Wildcat Preschool provides innovative classrooms where creativity and imagination flourish. Our inclusive program helps all children discover a joy of learning. Your child will be immersed in a stimulating environment that encourages physical, intellectual, and emotional development through play based investigation, purposeful questioning and exploration for deep learning and a seamless transition to kindergarten.
There are other preschool options available in Waconia, but our preschool is the only preschool that aligns with the Waconia School District curriculum and the overall K-12 system. We work closely with Early Childhood Special Education and kindergarten teachers to foster a successful transition from preschool to kindergarten.
Wildcat Preschool, a 4-Star Parent Aware Rated early learning program, strives to educate, collaborate, empower and support families, nurture development and treat all with respect. We offer 2, 3, 4 and 5 day-a-week class options for children who are 3-5 years of age as of September 1, 2023. Due to increased demand and popularity, we are excited to announce District 110 Wildcat Preschool is expanding! New class times, more classrooms, additional staff, and an elementary school-based classroom are all being added for 2023-2024.
We are located at 520 Industrial Blvd in Waconia.
Main Phone: 952-442-0613
Steven Jensen | Director of Community Education | sjensen@isd110.org
Laura Jaede | Interim Program Supervisor | ljaede@isd110.org
Brenda Buesgens | Administrative Assistant | bbuesgens@isd110.org