What is the Gap Group?
Youth soccer age groups are designated by birth year and as a result not all players in each age group are in the same grade.  Every year in the fall, players who are part of the U15 age group have some players who are entering High School (9th Grade) and players who are not yet in High School (8th Grade).

U15 age players who are entering high school and want to play soccer tryout for the high school soccer program and play fall soccer with the high school program.  U15 age players who in the fall are 8th graders and as a result attend middle school, are not eligible to play high school soccer which leaves the normal U15 age group incomplete for the short fall season. In the soccer community, this group of 8th graders are commonly referred to as the “Gap Group”.

Who will be in the Gap Group in 2022?
For the Fall 2022, the “Gap Group” will be players who are born in 2008, but are entering 8th grade in the Fall of 2022.

What options are there for players in the Gap Group?
This answer is based on the club that players have registered for and the answers provided in this document are based exclusively on players who registered and tried out to play for the Waconia Soccer Club. If your son/daughter is registered to play at a different club, their options are different and you must contact their club in order to identify the scenarios that apply to them.

a. Gap Group Team: A team made up of only U15 age group players if there are sufficient registered to participate as a team. The team registers and plays in the TCSL U14/U15 hybrid age group offered in the fall.

b. Place Gap Group Players on an Existing Fall U14 Roster: Gap Group players may be offered spots on an existing fall rosters. After the fall season, these Gap Group players would return to the roster that they are/were/will be placed for the 2023 Summer season.

c. Fall Training Only Option: Gap Group players who are registered with the Waconia Soccer Club have the option to train with a team for the fall but are not eligible to play in league games. This situation is dependent on roster sizes and the number of players/coaches available in the club after the July tryouts.

Is there any action necessary by the parents of Gap Group players?
Yes, parents of a Gap Group player who is planning to register and play for the Waconia Soccer Club, should notify Iván Woyno – ahead of tryouts in order to ensure that we have an accurate count of players for Fall 2022 rosters.

My child currently plays in a group that has both U14 and U15 age players, will we be affected by the Gap Group?
While your age group will most likely be affected by the Gap Group, the Waconia Soccer Club manages the rosters to ensure that there is continuity in the Fall season and that players in the U14 age group are not adversely affected by the Gap Group. Historically the Gap Group in the Waconia Soccer Club does not interfere with U14 rosters.

My child is registered for another club but would like to train in the fall with the Waconia Soccer Club is this possible?
League rules bind a player for the full year, to the club that the player signed up and paid their registration to. Due to the potential liability, time, effort, and costs associated with registering and then releasing a player, the Waconia Soccer Club does not offer the ability of families to train with the Waconia Soccer Club if they are intending to play for a different club.

My child is registered to play for another club, how do I know what options are available to my family through that club?
Those options are the responsibility of the club your child is registered for and as a result you need to contact the club administrator or Director of Coaching. Most clubs will have something similar to this post on their web page. If they do not, you can reach out to the clubs Executive Director, Club Administrator or Director of Coaching and they can point you in the right direction.

You can direct any additional questions to the Waconia Soccer Club Director of Coaching and Player Development – Iván Woyno –

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